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Re: 2021 Wish List!

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:35 am ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: 2021 Wish List! ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 10997

Sorry to add as well, but this is the 20th anniversary year for Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Any new Harry Potter themed patterns would be stunning. Hogwarts Express Mountain Troll :check: Ron :check: Hermione Professor Mcgonagall Draco Malfoy Hagrid Neville Longbottom Sorting Hat Hogwar...

Re: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you)

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:31 pm ¦  Forum: ZP Pattern Discussion ¦  Topic: What was the first pattern you printed? (I can tell you) ¦  Replies: 68 ¦  Views: 85578

I think my first pattern might have been Tigger, I’m pretty sure it was in 2006 as my daughter was a few weeks old.

Re: Where to get a new Pumpkin Gutter?

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:19 pm ¦  Forum: Pumpkin Product Reviews ¦  Topic: Where to get a new Pumpkin Gutter? ¦  Replies: 14 ¦  Views: 89091

Are there any stockists in the U.K., especially Scotland?

Re: Advertising materials?

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:02 am ¦  Forum: Minion Missions ¦  Topic: Advertising materials? ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 27266

The pumpkin carvings went down a treat and Loch Ness Pumpkins auctioned them off on Friday so they could be picked up on Halloween. The four pumpkins raised £40, roughly $52, for a local charity, Fingers crossed next year I’ll be able to go and do carving demonstrations...

Happy Hallowe’en 2020!

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:20 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Happy Hallowe’en 2020! ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 34132

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and a huge amount of spooky fun. My daughter and I managed The Evil Dead and The Evil Dead II yesterday. Today will be The Army of Darkness and The Craft. My son and I watched Hocus Pocus yesterday and today will be Practical Magic and this

Re: It’s not about the taking part...

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:34 pm ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: It’s not about the taking part... ¦  Replies: 1 ¦  Views: 18319

You’ve won and you’re right that’s exactly what it’s about. Kids are annoying and adults are much better at Halloween!

Re: Pumpkins and ghosts and lights and fog and sound...

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:03 pm ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Pumpkins and ghosts and lights and fog and sound... ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 24515

I’m gutted we can’t get decent foam pumpkins in the U.K. Let’s forget that and get more details on how you created the ghost? :ghost:

Re: Pandemic proof Halloween, your plans.

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:35 am ¦  Forum: General Spooky Discussion ¦  Topic: Pandemic proof Halloween, your plans. ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 36832

I’d normally turn the front garden into a cemetery with skeletons and zombies escaping from the ground as well as carved pumpkins. Not this year though, this year I’m leaving the front empty so as not to encourage hoards of kids. I’ve even decided to drop the windowkins I’d been planning. It appears...

Re: Pumpkins and ghosts and lights and fog and sound...

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:27 am ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: Pumpkins and ghosts and lights and fog and sound... ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 24515

That is a stunning display! Are the pumpkins real or foam?

Re: Advertising materials?

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:24 am ¦  Forum: Minion Missions ¦  Topic: Advertising materials? ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 27266

Here’s the updated flyer I made to place with the pumpkins.

After only 6 years of owning a cutter that does perforations, I finally found a use for it.


 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:22 am ¦  Forum: Video Games ¦  Topic: Fortnitemares! ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 17855

Is anyone else playing fortnite? I’m going to try and have a go at the paper craft and make my wee boy the Raven character and skull trooper mask. :skull:

The Evil Dead Trilogy!

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:57 pm ¦  Forum: Movies ¦  Topic: The Evil Dead Trilogy! ¦  Replies: 3 ¦  Views: 20651

So, my daughter is 15 and turning into as big a horror fan as her Dad. I can’t decide if the Evil Dead is a good place to start showing her some of my favourite horror films. What do we all think? I’ve already shown her Monster Squad, IT and The woman in black. What other classic horror films should...

Re: Advertising materials?

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:40 pm ¦  Forum: Minion Missions ¦  Topic: Advertising materials? ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 27266

I remade the poster with the new theme and got the pumpkins and it to the patch. Here they are on the farm and I’ll try and work out how to add the new poster I made to here as well.!/Loch-Ness-Pumpkins-3200852019...

2020’s rushed carvings.

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:12 pm ¦  Forum: Carving Photos & Stories ¦  Topic: 2020’s rushed carvings. ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 17142

It has been a long, but fun day. A lovely hours drive past Loch Ness (didn’t see her anywhere), then a few hours playing at a pumpkin patch, back home and four hours of rushed carving so I can drop them back off tomorrow. Here’s what I managed to get done. https://i.i...

Re: Season of the Zombie Pumpkins playlist

 by Pumpkin Hunter ¦  Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:10 pm ¦  Forum: Music ¦  Topic: Season of the Zombie Pumpkins playlist ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 23421

Just in case anyone else wants a listen I've put this on spotify. ... 4mSv5J5BuA

I'm hoping that I've left it open for others to add new tracks to. Let me know if it works?

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