Welcome back to the forum. How many people are you going to have at the carving party?
Welcome back to the forum. How many people are you going to have at the carving party?
That book really makes the picture extra special. And Billy looks great lit up. But where's the circle of salt? lol
Ranks are still here. You just have to click on the username to see it in their profile.
Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately we seem to have less and less people posting here. In it's prime it was hard to keep up with all the new posts.
Looks fine to me. All sizes seem to appear for the new shirt.
Today is your 10 year anniversary on the forum Ajax
Looks awesome as always. If you lived near me I would buy your old decorations off of you.
New site looks great. I just placed my order for some Merch
Super scary looking. Very nice pics.
October 17th?
I think I just don't like how many VIPs are available right now. It's great for newcomers but for someone who had VIP many years I just see alot of patterns I have already. Some of which I had to sign up for every year to get a full collection but now they are all available at once. This only affect...
I have 4 pumpkins set aside right now. Thanos is the only one I really want so this will be on the short list for carving.
I think my first few were Michael Myers, Frankenstein and maybe a NBC pattern. I have 3 binders with hard copys of patterns in case the apocalypse happens lol. So I'm sure my history will show more printed than carved. I think I'll hit 80 foamies this year.