Hey, what's new with you? Tell us about yourself.
By DoomCookie
Hi everyone! Just thought it was finally time to join in on the fun. I have been lurking in the shadows for years now and desided this is the place to be! You all seem like a great group who are as obsessed as I am with Halloween. :D I have already carved two fake pumpkins this year and have 3 more sitting on my table just waiting for me to pick a pattern. ;)

A little more aboot me... I am 32 Mom of one almost teenage girl. *eeeeek!!!* we live in the central valley of California. Where I long for real Fall kind of weather. With brightly colored trees and a cold chill in the air. But sadly we are normally going to the corn mazes in shorts and tank tops. :P

Most importantly I LOVE zombies. Anything Zombie. Movies, Books, TV Shows, pumpkins and even clothing. (Have you seen the Iron Fist platform heels!? to. die. for.) My daughter and I have been planning for the zombie Apocalypse since her birth.

Anyway I can't wait to die into the forums and get to know everyone! Happy carving season everyone!
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By purple1worm
welcome to forum! Look forward to seeing you're carves! :D
By DoomCookie
Thank you purple1worm!

I forgot to say my name lol...duh. My name is Tiffany and I actually just did the kitty one you have as your av. Its on a black pumpkin and I still want to carve in "Ninja!" on it because I have a black cat named Ninja and the pattern really reminded me of him :)
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I always wonder how many visitors of this site are aware of the forum, and possibly even browse and lurk around, without actually joining and posting. So it's always nice to see someone step out of the shadows. Welcome Tiffany! Your passion for Halloween and zombies make a perfect fit for this place, no doubt about that. I look forward to hearing more about you and your daughter's zombie fighting adventures.
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By nosferatu
Hey Tiffany!

Doom Cookie? Thought I'd heard that expression before - welcome to the boards. If the zombie apocalypse where to start anywhere, then I'm sure it would be California.

Look forward to seeing pics of your carves
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By monstermash
Hi DoomCookie, nice to have you on the forums. It'll be great seeing your carves. A lot of us love zombies too. In fact, I think some people might actually be zombies! :lol: :)
Hmm curious about the choice of forum name, bearing in mind it's quite a derogatory name to be called in emo / goth circles.

you're not robert smith in disguise are you? :lol:
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By Kayo
welcome welcome... i think everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocalypse as well. for that weather your looking for i would say head north a bit there is a reason the PNW is so prevalent in supernatural novels anymore :P
By DoomCookie
Thank you everyone!

As for my forum name, A dear friend of mine just called me her "little doom cookie" one day as we were discussing the inevitable approach of the Apocalypse, while I was baking pies. It just kinda stuck ever since. lol I had no idea about the "derogatory name to be called in emo / goth circles" :lol:
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By Raven
Welcome! Glad to see you went from lurker to willing participant with the rest of us Halloween obsessed people. The forums are great! Not only can you find the best tips for carving but you get to see some truly artistic folks displaying their artwork and some amazing Halloween displays.
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By SuperSonic
Welcome to ZP! Look forward to seeing your carves!
By Ajax
Zombies zombies everywhere and not a brain to eat.
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By staticfurball
Welcom to the patch, Im sure you will love it here., lots of good stuff going around.
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By punchi
Welcome! I too, am training my children for the zombie apocalypse! Or robot.. you can never be too sure...