Exploring the many uses of patterns for other craft projects.
By Sam_hain
I got a fantastic idea the other day as the kids were drawing in the driveway....they were drawing where I plan on putting my entranceway for halloween...and it hit me seeing im making the enclosure blacklight with some pumpkins...use black light chalk and do a stencil or two on the ground perhaps.... has anyone done chalk stencil before leading up to their house??

lol it would be funny to "tag" someones driveway at night....run up in dark stencil a big logo on there and run.....doing this to friends would prob be better so they dont get bent out of shape.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I don't think I've seen any photos of pumpkin stencils done on the ground in glowing chalk, but it seems like an easy enough idea!

There is more talk of glow / blacklight sidewalk chalk elsewhere in this forum, if you look here.
Don't forget to seal your efforts with a cheap hair laquer (spray)
By Sam_hain
i tell u what man, I get new ideas everyday, I really hope i pull it all off and it looks as good in real life as it does in my head lol
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By Raven
Many years ago I used to use glow in the dark chalk and a stencil of monster footprints and have them leading up my driveway to the front door. The prints held up well under the feet of trick or treaters. The chalk did not glow all that much but a black light probably would have made them really light up. Great idea for the ZP stencils!
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By CorpseBride
What a great idea!! I don't have much of a paved area leading to my house...but I will make something work :D Thanks for sharing!
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By Chewy
I played with my daughter's street chalk a little bit last year; didnt even think about black light, but now that the wheels are turning... LOL


As long as the weather holds, plan on randomly doing some ZP patterns around our townhouse complex...
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By Chewy

Our complex is huge (something like 435 units in four phases & family oriented with another few smaller complexes and hundreds of shiny new single family homes within the neighbourhood all jammed with elementrary school age kids); the grandmothers manned the display while we let the six year old run wild.

Last year we had well over 300 kids & I hear there were oohs and aahs galore over Ryan's (patchmaster Ryan that is) designs & Ryan's carving (me). The best part, was when the grandmothers were questioned about where the designs came from - it was an easy answer - "look down"...

I still really like the idea of actually doing some of the patterns in chalk... since my freehand skills pretty much get maxed out trying to do text, i'll probably get one of the guys at work to run me a few choice patterns on the large format inkjets and will use a street chalk stencil.

Will have to post some pics. Now for the hard part, what patterns... Hmm!
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By nosferatu
Great stuff! Brilliantly simple idea!

I have seen glow in the dark spray paint (non-permanent) that would be fabulous for this. Provided it does wash off, I could do this on our house walls.

Your picture is fabulous and it is a great display idea. If I put our pumpkins outside, I fear they would disappear. Maybe I should stand outside holding that scythe.
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By monstermash
Wonderful idea. I was going to do a body outline in chalk and have one arm pointing to the door to my garden so guests know where to go. A bit too macabre maybe?
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By zombombie
monstermash wrote:Wonderful idea. I was going to do a body outline in chalk and have one arm pointing to the door to my garden so guests know where to go. A bit too macabre maybe?
No way! That's a great idea!!
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By mudd
imagine seeing this drawn up on someones sidewalk , make ya think twice bout ringing the doorbell

hard to believe thats all in chalk. :shock:
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By purple1worm
Wow that is awesome! :D