Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Well it is about time that I started loading some of my 2012 photos and first up are my carves of the VIP #1 and #4 patterns



:D --- Sorry
I was too quick in posting a VIP last year so I will wait until the correct time this year
Last edited by MIKECOZ8 on Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
Here are some new 2012 carves
Since Frank now has a bride it was about time that he was carved in foam and he definitely outkicked his coverage

I have wanted to carve this fan fav for awhile and 2012 is the year

Love the Jacks and Michael needed his friend
Ha! I love your VIP carvings. STOPPED me dead in my tracks. Can't wait to see more.

The other carvings are so nice too. You really maximize the space of the pumpkin surface. Nice to see another Bride, reunited with the Monster. And the Halloween movie jack o' lantern is a perfect fit on the small foam 'kin. I have a blank foamie in that size, I might do that! Easy design for that size.