Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
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By Raven
My awesome husband gave me a fog machine for my birthday this year and I immediately knew I had to carve the Xenomorph and somehow use the fog in the set up. I have a rather crappy camera so it's not a clear picture and the fog made it not so crisp looking, but I'm happy with it for the most part.


As for the other props, well I wanted some Ovomorphs so I set out to make them. It was quick and easy and I already had all the stuff.
I used a couple of the Funkin Easter Eggs that I never carved. To make one look like it was opening I used construction paper and just taped it on. Marley had the classic "can I eat that?" look.


My husband had a can of Great Stuff so I just sorta sprayed it all over.


After that I just spray painted them with an olive green colored paint we had. I thought about taking the time to add some other paint for some variation of color but knew it wouldn't really show up in the picture I was going to take.


And yeah.. that's my Xenomorph. I still have 4 pumpkins left to carve. I know what is going on one of them but the others I'm still not sure! I better make up my mind. The big night is almost here!!!
Last edited by Raven on Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ovomorph? Fraid I've never heard that term for a Face Hugger egg. None the less I like it!! Fab carve! :thumbsup:
SuperSonic wrote:Ovomorph? Fraid I've never heard that term for a Face Hugger egg. None the less I like it!! Fab carve! :thumbsup:
I don't know when they started calling them that, but it is the correct term for the eggs. I think it may have started in one of the video games, but I'm not sure. :D
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By Raven
O.k... Ryan said VIP pics were ok. He did! I swear!

First is Twisty. He was my OMG I HAVE TO CARVE HIM pattern. The only balloon animal I can make is a dog, but I'm not sure what that red one in the pic turned out as.. a dog with birth defects maybe. I had a yellow one, another dog(?) but my real dog decided it needed to be killed and before I knew it it was in his mouth being violently shaken back and forth. I let him have the red one after I was done.


Annabelle! Love her. Creepy stupid doll. :P You have no idea how bad I wanted to go out and buy a rocking chair for this set up. Also, finding just a plain red crayon in a pack of 64 took forever. They were all red violet, violet red, red orange, brick red and wild strawberry (wtf). I was beginning to think there was no longer just red. I found it, and then of course arranged all the crayons to look like a rainbow in the box. Everyone does that... right? :P She came out slightly nuclear bright in the pic.

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By Raven
NikkiRae wrote:Your Twisty looks so horrifyingly perfect that it makes me want to huddle in a corner and cry. Great job!
LOL! I usually keep my carved 'kins in the house overnight or two nights, but he went outside right away!

I have to give Ryan mad props on that pattern. Those eyes look so much like the real character! Way. Too. Creepy!
Last edited by Raven on Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
:pale: :o :pale: :o :pale:
Stop it now, they are too damn good! I love how effective those eggs are. And you've started me on some ideas for Annabelle. If I get my act together it might materialise.
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By Raven
monstermash wrote::pale: :o :pale: :o :pale:
Stop it now, they are too damn good! I love how effective those eggs are. And you've started me on some ideas for Annabelle. If I get my act together it might materialise.
Hurry and get your act together! I check constantly for you to start posting your carves!!