Show off your pumpkin pics and tells us about the experience.
Ajax wrote:I'm trying to hold back my comments until after Halloween but that last one is really cool. Looks like the moon is floating in the sky very awesome effect.
Thanks! That's what I was trying to make it look like. It, of course, looked even better in my head, but it turned out pretty good. :)
Great carve! love the setup of your photo, really brings it to life!
And I agree, would be so damn awesome to see this moon rising above my house (that is until it sinks in, I get that "oh crap!" moment, and start to run for the basement as quick as I can)
I can't remember the last time I carved a Pumpkin Masters stencil, but I saw this book of 360° patterns and was really intrigued. It didn't turn out bad, really, and is kinda cool being a bit different from the norm.



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By Cirrus
Those look great! I have that book, too, but haven't had the time to actually try one. I might have to give it a go after seeing yours. And I love the way you staged your photo. Very creative!
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By Raven
BrookR1 wrote:I almost included one of those in my list of carves for the year (I was going to carve the zombie hand in front of the tombstone) but I was worried it wouldn't last very long. Thanks for taking one for the team!
I left this in the house overnight and most of today, and it still looks just fine. I have now placed it outside but I'm not sure it's going to do very well out there since it's going to be close to 80° tomorrow and horribly sunny. :thumbsdown:
chuckwagon wrote:I really loved the 360 degree pattern when I saw you post it on FB... don't be mad if I rip off this idea, LOL.
You wont be ripping off anything, it came straight out of a Pumpkin Masters carving book (found at Walmart). :D They actually had quite a few of these I wanted to carve, but I couldn't resist tombstones. I almost used a skull pattern they had instead of the face that came with the pattern, but because this was the first time trying this I just stuck with what they had together. I might have done more but I am down to 3 'kins left and they are reserved for ZP! exclusively.
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By amandap80
I love the 360 pumpkin! I toyed with the idea of carving a PM pattern this year, just for funsies.
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By Raven
Since they are all out and I heard everyone can see them I figured it was o.k. to post the VIP's I've done so far.

First poor Yorick, the King's court jester. Did you know him?

Then we have the lovely Meg Mucklebones. I actually tried to add a gold shield for her to gaze into, but it really didn't look right at all in the picture. So, she got a unicorn horn instead. Still goes with her.

I saved back showing Groot only because I paired him with Baby Groot. I left off the bottom of the Baby Groot pattern on purpose. Oh how badly I wanted those posable vine arms for this one.

4 'kins left with a tentative plan for 2 of them if I can get it to work out. It's awesome in my head..reality is usually a lot different. :P
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