Pumpkin patch practices and gourd garden grooming.
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By SuperSonic
Here it is after id say close to a week ago I planted these little guys. They are already sprouting :D yay!!! This is my first attempt mind you, much is to be learned

SuperSonic's 2010 patch
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By Hottie McNaughty
Awesome! The only thing I managed to grow was a pumpkin vine last year. :lol:
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By SuperSonic
they've grown quite a bit i'll post pics later to the same album tomorrow :D
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By SuperSonic
Pics uploaded :D
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By monstermash
Im doing my first patch this year too sonic. Ive only got one plant but it has grown about 5 feet in the last 2 weeks. I have no idea if thats good. I need to read up on what to do exactly so if you have any tips they would be great. Ive heard beer is supposed to help them grow 8)
Keep posting pics. I'll try and remember to take some pics of mine.
By Joey
I'm trying to grow some too. I planted 12, which is way to many. They're taking over my yard! I've just got a bunch of flowers, no pumpkins yet. How about you?
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By SuperSonic
Well Joey I'm glad you asked. Today, I just found out I have 4+ flowers. I have uploaded all the pics to this album. I'm now so excited to have pumpkins :D. I just hope the dont grow out pre-maturely.

2010 patch
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By SuperSonic
Well I have two, count'em TWO pumpkins. I shall upload pics tomorrow morning (which for me is in 6 minutes but I want some sleep) one a bit bigger than the other about the size of a kiwi for the big one at this time, and the other just sprouted into existence! I shall show you all tomorrow :)

*update on this post*

Pics are uploaded
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By monstermash
Looking good SS. Don't be sad if they turn yellow in a few days and fall off, loads more should grow. Ive had about twelve grow and do exactly that. Ive got three kins that have made it past the kiwi stage and are getting big. They are about the size of melons just now.
Keep em well watered.
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By CombichristGirl
man i cant get my stuff to come at the same time first males then females now back to males... i cant pollinate them if they dont cme near the same time lmao. congrads to everyone else they ar elookin great
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By monstermash
How's the patch coming SS?
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By SuperSonic
Its great accutally but my kins are too small, Undead Teds hands fit two of them. But one of the other two is about 6" long where as the other is about that in height. Making the patterns smaller, bad idea for me since my hands arent the stadiest.

But other than that, I'm having a great time growing them. I'd share pics but my desktop comp is (hopefully) temporarilly out of commision. SO that prevents me from updating with pictures. :cry: :cry:
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By SuperSonic

Here he is my first home grown kin.

.....And the damage I cause via a weed wacker


(and if anyone complains im having problems resizing the images)
Last edited by SuperSonic on Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.