Provide your feedback on the main site (besides the patterns).
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By nosferatu
I have been looking through the ever growing 2008 Carving Gallery recently and admiring everyone's work. I have also taken another look at previous years and came across a pumpkin called Zombie Host

[image missing]

I don't seem to remember it. Based on all the available goatee evidence plus the clue in the title, was this another Ryan self portrait that was unpublished? I think its a great pattern.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Good catch. That is a zombified self portrait from a few years ago, never available on the site. It was mailed as a freebie for a while, to those who ordered merchandise from the Shocking Shop. If anyone is really interested, maybe I can dig him up.
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By nosferatu
Yes please mein host....zombie!
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By Tkaraoke
We wanting another ZP pattern?! No way!! LOL

You look a little more evil than normal in that pattern. LOL!

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By Drayco
Hope it's not too late to get a copy of this pattern. Thank you in advance.
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By nosferatu
Many thanks Ryan.

I think its quite a sinister pattern in a shifty sort of way. You don't look happy at all whereas I am very happy to have received it.

Great end to the week, great start to the weekend
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By nosferatu
Like I said shifty, very shifty.

Must be a great picture, the eyes are following me around the room.
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By purple1worm
Omg the eyes moved. Cool pic and pattern!! :roll:
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By SuperSonic
id also like a copy of this pattern.
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By amandap80
I would love it too! Great pattern!
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By biggbad808
I would like one too, can never have enough patterns.