Classics or modern, discuss your picks for the sickest flicks.
In what is probably my most involved blog post yet (because it required me to watch hours and hours of movies) I offered my two-cents on all the classic Freddy films.

So take at look at the Bizarre Blog when you get a chance, to refresh your memory and stir some nightmares:

I'm curious to hear what your thoughts are on this franchise. Silly and overrated? Full of 80s nostalgia? Never seen them?
By Ajax
Ebert gave the remake 1 star out of 4 :cry: , I'm hoping his taste is just really bad because I think it looks amazing.
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By monstermash
Never watched a Freddy flick. Well actually i watched Wes Cravens New Nightmare the other week because it had 5 stars in the tv book but i thought it was boring. Thats the only Freddy related film ive seen.
I have just bought the original so i can watch it before the remake comes out next week.

Ajax i tend these days not to read reviews because they put me off going to see things that i might actually like. Just go and see the it with an open mind, dont expect too much. Thats what i do when i see anything new. I think it looks good too!
So true, reviews are in the main by bored people with a big list of films to "grind through"

..If i'd read any early reviews upon the release of Goodfella's ..before the net....way back around the time of faxes & general printed media, i'd have missed one of the best films in cinematic history.

As was there were only 3 people in thee at the time, we thought we were going to see a comedy, welll the title looked comedic, ..& incidentally we laughed alot.

This was of course way back in time before Sonic was even born even! the world was very new back then. :D :lol:
By Ajax
Watched it last night and loved it. Great article by the way Ryan. I think now i will be revisiting these movies as well since my girlfriend has seen them before.

Jackie Earle Haley is almost to good for the movie acting wise because he is really good and most of the other actors aren't great. He is a great choice to play Freddy.
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By monstermash
I just saw the re-make and loved it too. Plenty of bit too make you jump. I liked that they kept all the good ideas of the original and didn't take anything away. 4 out of 5 for me. Also a good use of the Everly Brothers song - All I Have to do is Dream.
Robert Englund will always be Freddy but Haley didn't do too bad. I still would have liked Englund though.