Anthems or ambiance, these are the tones that rattle your bones.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
For internet radio, I'm a fan of Pandora. Who else uses that site? You can create your own "stations" based on an artist or song you like, and then it plays other songs that have a similar sound. It's a great way to get a random playlist of some of your favorite bands, or discover more artists that fit your tastes, that you wouldn't have found otherwise. Naturally you can start up a Halloween flavored stream by creating a channel based on your favorite goth group or spooky surf band.
Last edited by Zombie Pumpkins! on Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By purple1worm
pandora is not available outside the u.s. Are their any other similar sites that might be available in canada?
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By nosferatu
Don't know if its available in Canada but I use Normally when my ipod needs charging or if I want to listen to something a bit more unusual, something I've never heard of or out there. (Normally recommendations from thid dite)