Get control of your plans for digital diversions from the virtual realms.
I always have my ear to the grave, listening for any rumblings in the world of zombies. So I thought I'd bring your attention to a new release from PopCap Games:

:arrow: Plants vs. Zombies


It's rooted in the tower defense genre, a sort of puzzle/strategy style. There are 26 types of zombies and 49 zombie-zapping plants for you to strategically plant on the playing field to keep the oncoming horde at bay. The learning curve is nicely paced too. Just when you think you've got it mastered, they introduce new environments and special zombies that require new tactics.


But the charm of the game is in the animation, music, and witty humor. Call me a sucker for goofy animated undead, but I find much joy in launching watermelons at a shuffling zombie, who is wearing a bucket on his head for protection.

Available for download on PC and Mac, there's a free demo to try it out. If nothing else, take a look at this video and try to not get this song stuck in your braaaaaiiiiiin:


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By Zombie Pumpkins!
In addition to the sequential "Adventure Mode" game type, you also get to unlock a bunch of puzzle modes and mini games. They vary the play style to really keep things interesting... I mention this because one game mode is called "I, Zombie" where you DO get to play from the side of the brain hungry undead. :twisted:
By Cheef
This game is the ultimate diversion and a ton of fun. The perfect game for wasting 15 minutes or hours playing.

I got it a couple weeks ago and have loved all I have experienced of it so far.

My wife even plays.
THE zOMbatar is a nice touch! (go look)
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By SuperSonic
god that song is catchy :P
Argh this is so darn addictive!

my first ever game download bought on-line (speaks mounds)
I've been on it for hours, then 5 year old was on it for an hour...
then wife was on it for 4 hours!

And were all singing that damn song! (in the car thankfully)

I'd love to see this tied onto the end of a zom-com film, you can bet if it were on the end titles (& the song) it'd be meteoric!
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By SuperSonic
these arent as fun as PvZ
By stormqueen29
My whole family is addicited to this game. We spend hours playing and re-playing levels, collecting Zen Garden plants, and just having a blast.

My favorite plant is the Squash. Even though it's not tecnically a pumpkin, it's just soooo ZP to me. All green and warty and kind of mean looking, then when you get just a little too close, "BOOM" your a pancake! :lol:

Thanks for the great find, Ryan !
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
The squash does look quite like a Zombie Pumpkin, doesn't he? Clearly they must be a related species.

I think this ought to be in links on the homepage Ryan.
it's absolute quality.
incidentally do I need hot chilli in order to get rid of the zombie bob sled Ice team / ice ? or is it stuck there once Zomboni has got through?
By stormqueen29
Yep Gus,

The Jalapeno pepper will melt the ice trail left by the Zomboni.

By the way, the spikeweeds and spikerocks are invaluable in fighting those dratted Zomboni.

thanks I've not tried em yet, playing mini games in order to get money for my extra slot(s)
will test em out next time the house go's quiet
Spikeweeds / super spikeweeds work well!

Now then anyone know whether I can use my license code for this game to load it onto my netbook for a few hours diversion without causing any problems with my main pc variant? or is there something preventing that sort of thing?

I'm just wondering as I've only got the mystery monster to collect (having defeated all the basic levels), zen garden takes up alot of time doesn't it!?
..thoroughly addicted.