Reviews of specific carving products by those who've used them.
This light has been around for years, but it's time maybe up as it loses ground to LED lights.


Bought for me by a well meaning relative (who didn't know good from bad ...& this is bad)

Heavy, considering it needs 2x C cell batteries to power it up for a short time ..(generally won't last a full night outside in a pumpkin come the cold UK weather)

Moisture resistant? ...NO

Safe for small children ...NO

As this consists of 5 old fashioned GLASS fairy-light bulbs it's less than robust in either use or longevity.

The seemingly random nature of the bulbs (once they've warmed up) is nice however these are high drain lights where a tea-light (safety allowing) could do the same if not better for cheaper.
Even storage is a problem, if you don't pop it in a separate bubble wrapped box you may come back next year only to find glass shards of several broken lights littering the place.

..the above reasons are exactly why I don't use mine, ...guess I ought to recycle it!
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
I mostly agree with you Gus. On the positive side, I think this light is fairly bright, and I like the random flickering pattern it emits. But it's just not practical, compared to LED pumpkin lights on the market. T

The bulbs in this PM strobe light (which doesn't actually strobe, by the way) eat batteries like a hungry trick-or-treater eats Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. And not even the common AA or AAA variety, but rather bulkier C batts.

When I use this light, the batteries are often drained before Halloween night is over (while the Howler brand lights could run for a few days non-stop, with their less power-hungry LEDs)
Thanks for pre-empting me by popping up a pic of the long in the tooth offender Ryan.

Yes it is bright (however I neglected this aspect as I don't have a candle flame colour comparison to "hmm" over) i left that bit out.

Can't wait to test the YELLOW LED equivilent by Howler, hope i'm not dissapointed.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Yep, hope you don't mind my tweaking your post a bit, to add the photo and format the title to match the rest. Aiming for some consistency in this area of the forum in particular, so users (especially newcomers just hunting for information) and see a quick list of each products official name (and brand) and a photo if available.