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By nosferatu
It is with great sorrow and sadness that I am forced to announce the death of Pumpkin 001/2008 - famous for his role playing The Joker.

I found him naked and unresponsive, face down on the porch floor. I was trying to wake him for an early morning Vaseline massage appointment. He had been under great stress carrying out the role and the central heating was adding to his problems.

No note was found but cat paw prints can be seen in the immediate area.

Rest In Pieces.
I'd whistle a lament of "gone away" or similar if only you could hear me!

box him up next time at night & leave him outside, that way slugs & cat's can't do worse to him than chief wiggum! ....I presume he's in charge of gotham these days which frankly explains the chaos there.
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By nosferatu
I'm afraid he has already left the area.

He has gone to audition for Broken-back Pumpkin.
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By CombichristGirl
i rofled omg that was great sucks for ur pumpkin:( but a funny way to put it lol
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
My deepest sympathies, nosferatu. He was a blessing and gift to us while he existed on this plane. Fortunately, there is enough time before Halloween for him to be reincarnated once again!
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By nosferatu
Reincarnation as The Bionic Pumpkin.

Now there's a project......
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By OogieBoogie
Oh my. You guys are too funny!

My regards to your pumpkin. :wink:
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By nosferatu
Dear Oogie Boogie

I passed on your regards to the pumpkin formerly known as The Joker as requested.

Unfortunately, he was quite unresponsive. Maybe he is sulking with me because he does not like his new accomodation - the compost bin. Maybe it is because his mouth is missing or maybe it is because, alas, he remains well and truly dead.

On his behalf, as Ryan would say, rotting regards, The Joker.