Chatting haunted houses, horror cons and spooky theme parks.
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By Italian Pulli
Next Year in Norwalk. CT, me, my dad, and a bunch of people are picking back up on the Cranbury Park hauted house that somebody sadly left off on 2 years ago. Hopefully it will come through and be better then the years before if anyone remembers this or even has pictures and would like to tell everyone how good it was that would be nice. Also when the time comes if you live close by im going to need some help, as in decorating and or filling up the roster of characters, and just some people that can sell merchandise or food/beverages. Im hoping too draw a big crowd and if anyone has any great ideas or wants to be involved feel free to tell me.

Also RYAN i have a great idea since you live in CT and Norwalk is really close you could set up your own area for the promotion of your site and the selling of your items, and even have some of your pumpkins up on display so people could see it. Anything that floats your boat as in what you could do.
I would like too hear back from everyone, thanks

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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Pulli, that sounds great. Breathe new life (or should I say, death) into that Cranbury Park haunted house! Since it's pretty local to me, I will totally stop by next season. I'd love to share ideas with ya or perhaps get involved too. I'll be in touch. :D
Last edited by Zombie Pumpkins! on Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Flak
I'm over in Darien so I'll definitely be checking this out
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Hey Pulli, any news on your haunt? Is it gonna happen this season?
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By Italian Pulli
Long TIme no talk everyone, and that idea fell apart but on Halloween night im going to set up a haunted house at my actual house, going from outside through maybe the first floor its looking good i have a good cast it should be amazing, and of course im going to compliment my driveway with tons of ZOMBIE PUMPKINS!! I will be posting my cast costumes and mine in a bit hope to see some people there, i will bring more info as it comes closer. O and one more thing its free entry!! woot!
By carvingqueen
Your haunted house sounds great!

I'll probably stop by sometime tomorrow as I live in Bridgeport.

I'll be the one with the amazing costume.