Request a pumpkin pattern or critique the current collection.
By stormqueen29
A semi truck... But not just ANY semi.

How about the front of the lead truck in the movie "Maxiumum Overdrive" with the creepy jester/jack-in-the-box head and all.

I just saw it again for the first time in goodness knows how long. It's a really corny movie, but there is just something about that truck and the creepy glowing eyes of that jester face that still scares the heck out of me.

I know I'm probably the only one who thinks this is a good idea, but so what? :P

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By Tkaraoke
That is a great idea! I have a friend who drives a truck and I'm always telling him he needs to find a huge mask like that to put on the front during Halloween time. That should get driver's attention and get them to steer clear! ROFL!
By stormqueen29
There is a custom fiberglass place online where you can order special hoods and detail stuff for a semi, I wish I could remember the name.

I bet if your friend contacted them, they could design and build one.

I know if I saw that gruesome thing in MY rearview mirror, the cops wouldn't catch me until I hit the Coast! :lol:

By stormqueen29
THAT'S why it's so familiar!

Seriously, I have no idea why I never figured that out before. I feel kind of stupid now. :lol:

Anyway, I STILL think this would make a great pattern. Difficult that is true, but once carved....... man it would just ROCK!

To me anyway.

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By Tkaraoke
Don't feel bad Stormy, I just figured that out right now as well.

I'd like to see a pattern of the truck as if it coming at you to run you down OR in a rear view miror. We can always grant Ryan creative licence but how would you like to see this coming up behind you...

By stormqueen29
THAT is exactly what I had in mind. The front-on view of that truck with the goblin face.

It STILL gives me the creeps!

I know it would be very hard to make that a workable pattern, but I've come to believe there isn't much Ryan can't do if he puts his mind to it.

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By Mopar Man
One of my favorite Stephen King movies. Thought it might be a good idea for a pattern and wanted to see what others thought..


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By keithk83
Being a gearhead and all, my brother loves this movie ahaha :D
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By Mopar Man
Didn't realize this had been posted before.. Guess I should have searched... :D
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Mopar Man wrote:Didn't realize this had been posted before.. Guess I should have searched... :D
No problem, the "merge threads" tool is a handy way for me to group together chats on the same topic.
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By emilymegan
YGMV !! Tractor trailors scared the living goop out of me for years afterward because of this movie !!
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By Silverhawk
That was one strange movie but does anyone have a copy of the stencil I would love to add it to my collections of stencils. Heck I would even would have like it on the W-900 that I used to drive cross country, wounder just how many dot stations I would have had a green light to keep on truckin' lol. But if anyone has a copy of the stencil for it I would really like to get a copy. And a big Thanks ahead of time.