Hey, what's new with you? Tell us about yourself.
By Barrett
Hey, gang.

Tired of lurking and learning and not jumpin' in. Glad to be here.

Currently a resident of Oklahoma, and I have an orange thumb, as it were. Love carving, designing, sculpting, the whole thing.

If you've been a fan of Pumpkin Masters patterns for a while, I got lucky back in 1999. I was a contest winner, and now I see my pattern, "Harvest Moon" (printed in 2000 I think, maybe later, I'd have to dig it out) every so often. Not the best Reaper image, but it worked.

The wife also won what Pumpkin Masters used to call an Elegance award with a highly detailed Mask of Tragedy. Never printed, but it gave a cash prize, so I guess we're officially ghouls, leaving our tiny mark on the holiday scene. So, we love carving, but consider ourselves students eternal.

I look forward to learning from you folks, and contributing what I can.
Weelcome to the "Orange horde" :lol:
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By Tkaraoke
We'd really love to see picutres of your carvings and of your patterns in general. Please post them if you can. That would be awesome.
Last edited by Tkaraoke on Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Zombie Pumpkins!
Hey Barrett, glad to have you. Harvest Moon... yeah, I think I know that design. That's yours? How cool. You have indeed made your mark on the holiday. Hopefully many more marks yet to come.
By Barrett
Yeah, if you look up "Harvest Moon" you'll see me listed as "***** Barrett, Contest Winner" and the year.

I'll see if I can post some stuff soon. Got a party comin' up, and after all the talk of an Eyeball pumpkin, I decided, yeah, what the heck, I'll see what I can come up with. It fits the theme and it will give something worthy to post here (I hope!).
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By Tkaraoke
Is "Harvest Moon" still avaliable? I'd love to see it.
By Barrett
I have no idea if it's still available. Does Pumpkin Masters release past year pattern books for sale?

I might consider that. My copy is kinda funkified.
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By SuperSonic

This pattern :)
By Barrett
There it is.

Yep, that's the one. No idea if there is still a paper print available.
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By monstermash
Hi Barrett, that's a great design, welcome to the forums. :D
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By SaneInsideInsanity
welcome to the site glad you finally stopped lurking and started sharing
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By Tkaraoke
Wow! Very nice design in deed! Do you normally design your own patterns for your pumpkins?